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Why do Beekeepers use a Smoker

An old copper smoker

The purpose of the smoker is to calm the bees, it is used before entering the hive when you force a couple puffs of smoke into the entrance then wait a few minutes.

It’s believed among some beekeepers that the bees think it’s a fire and eat some of their supplies, which fills them and distracts them from the disturbance.

However, it has been shown scientifically that the smoke disperses the bees attack pheromone, thus removing any hormonal driven urge to swarm and attack. It also mildly reduces the oxygen levels available to the bee, causing the bee to calm and conserve energy.

The smoker is also used to move the bees when trying to re-position the supers or lids of the hive, it is always suggested to use old tinder wood, sacking, pine cones, or anything that is not acrid and would not make your own eyes water.

If you would like to know how to use a smoker, then please see our video tutorial.

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